Married to Brian for 58 years. We have two children, five grandchildren and one great granddaughter. I am very much a part of their lives. I graduated as a Spiritual Director in 2000 at Sydney Centre for Religious Development. Sister Pauline Ferguson rsj, was the Director of the Centre. Our formation was based on Fostering the Contemplative LIstening and guided by Bill Connolly sj, who I met in Boston. I also did a course at SCRD and received a certificate in Supervision of Spiritual Directors. After Graduation I spent a few years on the team at SCRD for the formation of Spiritual Directors. I am also part of JISA team. I continue to offer Spiritual Direction and supervision to Directees and Directors. I am Chaplain in a Women’s prison and a better chaplain for my formation in Contemplative listening.
Favourite Scripture: Matthew 28: 16-20
Favourite Book: The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr
Favourite Movie: The Sound of Music
Favourite Quote: “If you dismiss another, you dismiss yourself”
Memorable Moment: Holding my great granddaughter the day she was born. Four generations of first born girls.