What is spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction describes the conversation one believer has with another about their life in the light of their faith.
Spiritual direction is a conversation in which the director helps the person to notice the action of God in their ordinary experiences of life: to stop, look and listen to the movement of God in their heart and in their lived experience. As the person responds with greater awareness to this personally-communicating God, the relationship deepens and the capacity to live out with greater freedom the consequences of the relationship grows. The consequences of the relationship changes the person and so impacts on all their relationships: with self, with others, and with God.
At Conference of Spiritual Directors Australia (CSD Australia), we believe that it is in ordinary human experience that God is revealed. The focus of this kind of spiritual direction practised by members of CSD Australia is clearly on experience rather than ideas, and especially that dimension of experience that evokes the presence of the mysterious Other whom we call God.

Why is a spiritual director called a “director”?
Discipleship and listening to wise elders is mentioned frequently in the Sacred Scriptures, but the actual ministry of spiritual direction is thought to have begun with the desert mothers and fathers of the third and fourth centuries. The terminology of ‘spiritual mother’ and ‘spiritual father’ seems to have originated at that time, stressing that the focus of the ministry is a person’s life in the spirit, how God is active in our everyday life experience. The desert mothers and fathers saw themselves as mentors or companions, never directors. They acknowledged, as we do, that the only director is God’s Holy Spirit.
To answer the question, we have to say that we do not know who first used the term ‘spiritual director’. The term was used extensively in the ‘golden age’ of the ministry by such spiritual directors as Ignatius Loyola, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross and Francis de Sales and has been used ever since that time. It has become the traditional term.
What is the contemplative approach to spiritual direction?
The contemplative approach to spiritual direction focuses on God’s work in each person’s experience: noticing and interpreting the signs of the Spirit. With this approach the director puts aside all preconceived ideas and expectations and recognises that God’s Spirit is the true Director, always inviting a movement forward to growth in inner freedom. Respect for this process and the uniqueness of each person before God guides the director in their contemplative listening and responses.
Why might I see a spiritual director?
You might see a spiritual director if you feel drawn to a deeper and freer way of being in relationship with God, in relationship with others and in relationship with yourself.
Spiritual direction can lead you to more self-knowledge which allows you to have a deeper knowledge of God’s presence and action in your life and allows you to more freely respond in love in the circumstances of your life.
Do I talk only about prayer?
Sessions can cover any life experience you choose to bring, as it is in your ordinary human experiences in relationship to others that the nature of your prayer can be revealed with both its fruits and difficulties. Talking with another about your current experience of life may lead into talking about your prayer life. Prayer life, that is relationship with God, is part of the one integrated whole that is your life.
How long does a session last?
Individual sessions may vary but as a general guide you would set aside up to an hour for your time with your spiritual director.
How often should I see my spiritual director?
Particular circumstances can be discussed with your director but as a general guide it’s good to regularly schedule an appointment every four to six weeks.
How much does it cost?
Each director will set their own fee and it’s best to talk about this before your first session. About half of our members belong to religious congregations and Catholic Religious Australia set guidelines for payment for spiritual direction. For the current guidelines please refer to Catholic Religious Australia. All Spiritual Directors can use this as a general guide.
Do you have another question?
If you have another question please contact the National Chair (Rita) or one of the spiritual directors whose details appear in the “Find a Director” listing here.

What others are saying
The best way to find out about spiritual direction is to engage in the experience yourself. However, you may enjoy reading what others who have taken that step say about their experience. For those who wished to provide a testimony, we offered three prompts:
- I receive spiritual direction because ….
- My experience of spiritual direction is ….
- Spiritual direction has inspired me to ….
Read what others are saying about their experience here.

A searchable directory of members offering spiritual direction can be found here.
You can search by State/Territory in Australia, and also by mode i.e. in person, online, or both. Many directors have also nominated a particular locality within the State/Territory.
You are welcome to contact Rita Malavisi, our Chair, for assistance in finding the right director for you. Phone 0419 299 065
Some directors suggest a commitment of up to three sessions to get to know each other and see if it is “a good fit” before deciding to continue. A discussion with the director will clarify these arrangements.