I am a spiritual director and professional supervisor, now retired from parish ministry, a widow, mother and grandmother. Over the years, spiritual direction has shaped who I am and my relationships and conversations with those around me. It is a precious grace to walk with another in their exploration of a life journey with our good God.  

I first became aware of spiritual direction over twenty years ago when studying theology, it was something totally new and unknown but immediately resonated and spoke to my heart. It also made sense of previous life experiences. A few years later I studied at the Living Well Centre and become intentional in the ministry.  I delight in meeting people from all walks, backgrounds and cultures and, as I live in rural Victoria, am happy to use zoom or facetime to connect.

Favourite scripture: Matthew 28.20b “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” That says it all.

Favourite movie: Hard to pick, I enjoy settling down on a rainy winter’s afternoon, with a hot drink, to watch ‘Love Actually’!

Favourite Book: Again, hard to choose, for I love reading and enjoy both fiction and non-fiction, however since school days Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’ would be an old favourite. Such a classic!

Memorable moment: On pilgrimage in Ireland, standing on Inishmore, largest of the Aran islands on Galway Bay, at the Seven Churches – an amazing place and a special touch of God’s Spirit.